Notes for Developers

Notes for Windows Developers


Windows development is deprecated. Enter at your own risk, ye brave souls!

The following is a recipe for getting a bright development environment setup in a Windows environment. First, make sure that you have the following programs installed with the appropriate versions:

  1. Python 2.7
  2. A unix compatible editor, like Editra
  3. (Git, if you want to connect to the repository)
  4. Microsoft Visual Studio (2008, not 2010)
  5. HDF5
  6. NumPy
  7. SciPy
  8. MatPlotLib
  9. PyNE
  10. PyTables

You will need to add HDF5 location information to the environment. Thus you’ll need to set the LIB and INCLUDE environmental variables to something similar to the following:

LIB     += C:\hdf5\lib
INCLUDE += C:\hdf5\include

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