The existing low-level transmutation method for ReactorMG is a matrix exponential method which leaves the matrix unadultered and very stiff. This means that transmutation and burnup calculations often fail for systems involving a non-trivial number of nuclides. To avoid this problem OrigenReactorMG swaps the ReatocMG burnup methods with a thin wrapper around ORIGEN using the cross-section data from the original reactor.
All functionality may be found in the origen_reactormg module:
import bright.reactormg
A multi-group reactor that replaces the transmutation step with origen. Daughter class of ReactorMG.
Parameters : | tape9 : str or dict
reactor_parameters : ReactorParameters or None, optional
track_params : set of str or None, optional
name : str, optional
Reassemble transmutation matrices as ORIGEN TAPE9 input.
Overrides the burnup_core() method to appropriately intercept helper methods.
Use ORIGEN as a backend to perform the transmutation calculation.