.. _bright_storage: ************* Storage Class ************* The storage class very simply solves the Bateman decay equations on an input mass stream. For a more complete treatment please see Stacey's `Nuclear Reactor Physics `_. Currently, the storage component uses a recursive method to calculate the decay chains and resultant masses. To use this class the necessary decay information must be available. This is stored in a ``decay.h5`` database that must be present within the `BRIGHT_DATA` directory. Instantiation of this class automatically calls the initialize() method on the C++ level, which loads the ``decay.h5`` library. All functionality may be found in the ``storage`` module:: import bright.storage .. currentmodule:: bright.storage .. autoclass:: Storage(name="") :members: .. attribute:: track_params For :class:`Storage`, the only parameter that is tracked is the aggregate mass. Thus this attribute is automatically set to ``["Mass"]``.